EUROPE 2025 Rethinking European Sovereignty

March 26 - 27, 2025
Berlin | digital

On 26 and 27 March 2025, DIE ZEIT, Handelsblatt, Tagesspiegel and WirtschaftsWoche will be focusing on Europe: for the fifth time, the four leading German media outlets will be hosting their joint conference “EUROPE 2025”.

How can Europe’s sovereignty be strengthened regarding security, the economy and innovative technologies? At “EUROPE 2025”, we want to spend two days examining the most pressing issues, developing ideas and finding solutions because we care about Europe! You, too?

Europe is under pressure, both from outside and from within. Donald Trump’s victory in the US presidential election will have noticeable consequences for Europe: for Europe as a business hub, for global trade, for the defence alliance NATO and the future of our liberal democracy.

But the EU must also be united internally. In the EU parliamentary elections, right-wing populist parties have made significant gains on the national level in many member states. They are promoting nationalist ideals and trying to weaken Europe as a whole.

Europe is confronted with the most diverse challenges of our time: Russia’s war against Ukraine, international competitiveness, the shortage of skilled labour, infrastructure, bureaucracy reduction and digital transformation, migration, climate change and the maintenance of a resilient healthcare system for all.

In these turbulent times, it will now become even more important to strengthen, support and defend the “European project”.

Together with our renowned guests – and you – we are looking for solutions to the challenges in these turbulent times!

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Join digitally when leading Europeans from politics, business and society come together on March 26 – 27, 2025. Participation on-site by invitation only.

Speakers & Moderation

Rainer Esser
Dr. Rainer Esser CEO, ZEIT Verlagsgruppe
Stephan Grünewald Founder, rheingold-Institut, psychologist, bestselling author
Anke Myrrhe Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Tagesspiegel
Verena Pausder Chairwomen, German Startup Association; Entrepreneur, Investor, Co-Founder of FC Viktoria Berlin
Stefan Pfeifer Chief Executive Officer, Unilever Germany GmbH
Boris Pistorius Federal Minister of Defence, Germany
Patrick Pouyanné Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer, TotalEnergies SE
Dr. Anna Sauerbrey Foreign policy coordinator, DIE ZEIT
Prof. Dr. Ralf P. Thomas Chief Financial Officer, Siemens AG
Margus Tsahkna Minister of Foreign Affairs, Estonia
Dr. Dominik von Achten Chief Executive Officer, Heidelberg Materials AG
Horst von Buttlar Editor-in-Chief, WirtschaftsWoche
Carolin Weber Head of Corporate Affairs, Unilever Germany GmbH


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Among the speakers of the past years were

Impressions 2024

Europe 2024

74 Speakers
320 Participants on site
170 (inter)national articles (print + online)

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